Which Engagement Rings are the Most Popular?

Like everything else wedding-related, different styles of engagement ring come in and out of fashion. However, what sets engagement rings apart is their need for timeless style, as you’ll hopefully be wearing it for the rest of your life!
So if you’re thinking to yourself, “Which engagement rings are the most popular?” then check out this list for more information:
- Halo cut ring
- Princess cut ring
- Oval cut ring
- Radiant cut ring
The cut of the stones is what makes the difference between a great ring and the perfect ring. Many of the cuts on this list stick to a vintage style, but some have modern updates that make them timeless classics.
The most popular engagement rings

- Halo
The halo engagement ring is one of the most popular styles in the UK, and for good reason. A halo ring features a central stone surrounded by a border of much smaller stones, which is where the name halo comes from.
Typically, a halo engagement ring will have a large diamond in the centre, which can be round or square, and then a ring of micro-pave diamonds, or small coloured gemstones, surrounding it. These can be set on either a fairly plain band, or the band can have various precious stones set in it too.
One of the main advantages of a halo ring (for the buyer at least) is that the centre diamond can be made to look much bigger by the surrounding halo. In fact, in some cases the diamond can look up to half a carat larger!

- Princess
Another enduringly popular style of engagement ring is the princess cut. It’s typically a square cut diamond held in place by clasps, and may have a halo border. The diamond either looks like a square when viewed from above, or an inverted pyramid from the sides.
Although square-cut diamonds have been around for a long time, this style of engagement ring soared in popularity in the 1980s, and much of its appeal arguably comes from its name, as what woman doesn’t want to feel like a princess at her engagement?
A princess cut generally requires less work than a round-cut diamond, but its shape does make it more prone to damage. However, this is something that you can solve fairly easily with engagement ring repair. In fact, if you go the right jewellers, they may be able to modify it for you slightly.

- Oval
Oval engagement rings are almost as popular as round-cut rings, and the two styles share many of the same qualities. For example, an oval diamond has as many facets as a round stone, but some consider it to be a more elegant and feminine shape.
Of course an oval diamond can be set in a number of different rings too. For example, oval with halo engagement rings are very popular, as this is a great way of making the central stone appear bigger and more expensive. Similarly, oval diamonds can be set in a wide range of bands, which may vary in colour depending on the diamond’s qualities.
- Radiant
As you’d expect from the name, this cut of diamond is famous for the way it catches the light. While they appear similar to a princess cut on the surface, there are plenty of nuanced differences between them. For example, the radiant cut has more rounded corners, meaning it reflects light differently.
Radiant-cut diamonds are all about catching the light. They typically have 70 facets, which results in an incredible level of sparkle. If you’re looking to impress someone in a brilliant way, you could do a lot worse than a radiant diamond!
The key thing to remember when considering which engagement rings are the most popular is that you’re not just choosing something that’s in fashion now, but something that’ll remain in fashion for years to come.
Luckily, many cuts stay in fashion because they are so timeless. When trying to choose the perfect engagement ring, favour personal style over fashion tastes, as it’s got to be appealing to the wearer!